I’ve been playing with my blog layout. I really wanted one with a customizable header. Why doesn’t WordPress have a three-column, customizable header, with widgets layout? That’s what I wanted & they don’t have it 😦

I started a new shawl last night. My first shawl actually. It’s for my Project of the Month Yahoo Group. Wave & Shell Shawl, I got about 3 pattern repeats done during Jericho (can’t believe the killed off who they did & can’t believe it’s over for the season 😦 ) and LOST. I’m anxious to get back to it if I can pry myself from this computer.

Dd#1’s sock is coming along. I’m not following a pattern. I just cast on 64 stitches and did a k2p2 rib, then stockinette for the leg/foot. I want to do a short row heel, but I’m not experienced enough to know what to do without being told. I found this awesome site that breaks it down based on the number of cast on stitches: Sherman Heel. Whoo hoo! Now I can do it! Yahh!!

Here is a picture of the progress as of yesterday afternoon. It’s a couple inches longer now & I’m ready to do the heel:

Next time, a progress picture of the shawl. I also hope to get to the store later for a couple of skeins to finish the two projects I ran out of yarn for so I can finish them up & post FO pics of them as well (the All Season Shell and Modified Booga Bag)